The Shell Chair Everywhere

See why the Eames Shell Chair was designed for all of life’s moments

Written by: Amber Bravo
Artwork by: Bill Porter

Charles and Ray Eames, designers of the Eames Shell Chair famously said: “The role of the designer is that of a very good, thoughtful host anticipating the needs of his guests.” Most of the designs that came out of the Eames Office did just that—suiting a need and solving a problem. But what is perhaps most remarkable about Charles and Ray’s 1950 design for the Eames Shell Chair is just how many of life’s requirements they were able to meet in a single, gracious form.

So we commissioned animator Bill Porter to sketch out how a single chair can touch so many parts of one’s life—and how so many small moments can sometimes add up to our greatest

What makes the Shell Chair so beloved is its universality and adaptability—no wonder then, that it’s equally at home in museum collections, living rooms, Laundromats, lobbies, and cafés. It’s also an inextricable part of our DNA at Herman Miller: The company has a longstanding tradition of giving every employee an Eames Shell Chair Rocker when they welcome a new family member into their home. So we commissioned animator Bill Porter to sketch out how a single chair can touch so many parts of one’s life—and how so many small moments can sometimes add up to our greatest.